
I offer three brand design services tailored to meet different needs. Each service is priced differently, so please feel free to Contact me to discuss your specific requirements and explore the best options for your brand.

Logo design

My logo design package delivers precisely what it promises. The process begins with a discovery call, followed by a detailed brief and moodboard provided by you. I then conduct a deep brand analysis before starting the design phase. You will receive several initial concepts, which we will refine based on your feedback until we finalize the logo design. Upon approval, you will receive a one-page usage guide that includes essential details on exclusion zones, color, and typography

This package includes:

- Primary logo design
- Secondary logo design(s)
- Usage guide 1-pager
- Raw files + exports


Logo & visual identity design

This package starts in the same way as my logo design package, but with a significant addition during the idea development and final logo presentation phases: I include detailed examples of how the logo will integrate with the rest of your brand. This includes visuals, color palettes, and typography. Once the logo and visual identity are approved, you will receive comprehensive brand guidelines. These guidelines will provide extensive information to ensure a consistent and cohesive look and feel for your brand.

This package includes:

- Primary logo design
- Secondary logo design(s)
- Brand pattern (if applicable)
- Brand guidelines (.pdf)
- Typography pairing, colour palettes, exclusions zones + more
- Raw files + exports


Bespoke design

My bespoke bundle offers complete, free-wheeling graphic design tailored to your specific needs. I’m eager to discuss how we can customize this package to fulfill your unique desires. While this package can function independently of logo and visual identity services, many clients find it complements their identity projects perfectly.

This package could include:

- Brand identity (messaging, values, mission, etc.)
- Branded assets (i.e. apparel, business cards, advertising assets, etc.)
- Brand naming
- Packaging design
- Web design (Webflow)
- Brand animation/video intro animation
- Social media templates
- Design retainer